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Monday, July 28, 2008

yeah had the test today!.. can do!

sigh..anyway its over la.. did something stupid.

ok maybe not that exaggerated ^^.

i love my new pick and guitar haha.

going out now!

buy stuff and eat nice food.

come home do chemistry.

logging off...

Fight on 6:49 PM

Saturday, July 26, 2008

anatomy test on monday!!.. memorise time..not fun.

urinary system, reproduction system, digestive system, cardiovascular system. -.-

seriously its a lot.. tomorrow i must really really memorise..for the past few days just read to see what i don't have to memorise..as in what goes in naturally..so tomorrow when i try to recall..those that i don't remember..must purposely memorise..

ushering! no black sry

Fight on 9:59 PM

Saturday, July 19, 2008

yay today is my birthday.. but it doesn't really seem that exciting like the old days..when i was like in primary school..like awaiting my birthday present bought by my mother..hidden somewhere in the house..and sometimes i manage to find it before my birthday haha..good old times ^^ now its just like my present was bought in advance haha..like way before..maybe in feb.i think i bought a pre paid card -.-. but i don't really find it a big deal..oh its my birthday..alright. anyway..happy eating chocolates haha..shit half is gone already..stop eating.

Fight on 10:21 PM

Friday, July 18, 2008

today was a long day..not at school..but being out. first it was lessons from 9.30 to 12 then i went with friends to the singapore poly guild house.. i just sat around to take care of the stuff.. while they gymmed and swam and jacuzzied..who knows what esle did they do in the pool. later i went to bugis to arcade.. exchanged tokens..put in $1.50 play play play..ok im at the last boss..shet im dead..nvm at least im at the last boss..went up to eat gelatto.. and waited for friend to come..when up and down many times to the arcade and back to the 1st floor. played staring game (some people may know what i mean) and eventually he came. then we played more arcade..went to tampines mall to eat pasta mania.. go play arcade again! somehow E-ZONE seems to have been bought over by TIME-ZONE..bye bye E-ZONE. no movie to watch..so we went to game shop to see what games to buy for PS3. then we took bus home..and i had to walk thru the valley of bats...ZzZz i freaking hate it..they fly so near u..and they are blind..so i usually hope a car drives pass...and i'll run with the car..haha..and when i say bats..its not just one. yup. and now im home..and i wanna sleep

Fight on 11:51 PM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

today was a pretty fun day..school ended at 1. so my group of friends and i went to the SP guild house to go gymming..there is also an arcade and bowling alley there. which is why tomorrow we intend to go bowling..yeah ^^! after gymming we went to holland V checked out game shops.. Rock Band 2 coming SOON. like in september..i will get it..drum pads are like 6 now..so much more realistic than the rock band 1 only 4 pads. (pads remind me of something esle >.<) anyway thats pretty much for today. guitar lessons changed to sunday! noooo

Fight on 8:18 PM

Thursday, July 10, 2008

the week is coming to an end again..i don't really like school..didn't really turn out the way i imagined it to be.. poly? relax life? certainly not. but hey why whine.. this is life.

but i still live by looking forward to something.

but honestly.. there are much more important things in life than studies,

this is not an excuse..

but when you look back next time.. u'll realise its true.

Fight on 6:50 PM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

old pic found in com.. no flaming allowed

Fight on 11:12 PM


About yourself.
Name: Koay Zhuming James
Age: 17
Birthday: 19/7/1991
Gender: male

l Likes l

l Dislike l
People with stupid attitudes






February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008


Skin by: yoka
Brushes: X X X X X
Images: Final fantasy XIII