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Sunday, June 29, 2008

i don't like today either.. it was..

boring again..

COME ON! wheres the people?! watching movie sucks..

we end up watching a movie and going home..and waste like 10 bucks...

ok..im still considering..skip school on mon...perhaps 70% chance not staying 30% staying.

but if i skip and it turns out like...THAT KIND..i'll seriously...!#$%#!%^!#%^$

actually a week passes pretty fast..so just do whatever u gotta do..

u control your own life..so u can actually make it fun =)

Fight on 9:25 PM

Saturday, June 28, 2008


i don't like this.. nvm church is tomorrow...

sleepy.. what should i do...

sleep.. yes i should...

movie tomorrow? ok

Fight on 10:18 PM

Friday, June 27, 2008

well.. my exams are over for now. and i ask myself this question.. now what?

no games to play..

no friends to go out with..

watch lord of the rings from 1 to 3? (nah that will take me 9 hours)

ah heck it..i'll just blog..isn't that what im doing now? im blogging about thinking about blogging..weird.

well today is friday..tomorrow is saturday! sigh JJ and caleb are gone..how i can go on with life! yes i can cause the main focus is still there..haha >.<

then it'll be sunday..most probably we all can go out for lunch..except emelyne again =(..nvm i'll be waiting for u! no matter how long it takes!

then the week starts again..sigh..well at least its normal school..go there and fool around.

Fight on 1:14 PM

Thursday, June 26, 2008

random thoughts... hmm okay.

sometimes i wonder about strange stuff..for example.. if u were in a moving train.. and u suspend yourself in the air with a jetpack or something..will the end of the train eventually hit u? same thing as jumping in the train..if u jump in a moving train..will u end up back on same spot? cause by right the train is moving and u aren't right? so u should be further back. but still haven't tried it out haha.( and some nerd will come by and explain the whole theory behind this..perhaps some physics? =P)

i look forward to my saturdays and sundays. school ain't that fun.

good times...

ok maybe not that good..cause it was really stupid..all we did was watch movies. =/

well what we can look forward to is the sunday youth retreat ya? might as well call it games day.

last paper tomorrow..biophysics. WHY must they combine the components of science together..i don't like physics! irritating..ZzZz

Fight on 5:46 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

today was maths test! and im back in the morning yay..it was doable ..chem is tomorrow. will start later..now relax first. still thinking of skipping mon school for the youth retreat..considering i go to school and play anyway and study only when tests come..shouldn't be much of a problem XD

Fight on 10:58 AM

Monday, June 23, 2008

today was my first day of tests.. biological systems and biological something. it was okay..can do =) not those kind that u will feel lousy after the test..tomorrow is math..must go thru again..and do a few questions for each topic..hmm not sure if i should skip monday for the youth retreat thingy..see the turnout first.

Fight on 6:12 PM

Saturday, June 21, 2008

today was another day of relaxing.. my mum took my guitar for me to church first as she had to go there in the morning to prepare food for the BB boys and GB girls..yay no need to carry guitar from home to MRT and later to church..^^ she also will bring it back for me when she comes home later.haha. today we learnt new stuff in guitar class..today we had many new people..but some people from last week didn't turn up..so it evened out. can't imagine when all of them come..super crowded la. before i reach church..i went to 7 11 to buy green apple slurpeee ,was greedy and put double cap..tried to fill up to brim.. but sian still got gas the green apple..so the thing just keep coming out..the whole cup so dirty and sticky -.-. then i reach church saw jere cooking chicken wings at BBQ pit..waha so hard working. oh ya jere today help ppl a lot so helpful haha ..but sadly..only to certain ppl =/ ok i will see u folks tomorrow ! lets go out!

Fight on 8:52 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

hmm nothing much really happened today.. woke up around like 9.30am then went out with mother to bedok area to do marketing and later came back and was suppose to study bio and chem but ended doing the same thing again..putting if off till like saturday for bio..cause i got irritated memorising the facts..and i know i'll most probably forget the stuff which is needed for monday..so memorise nearer to exam is my way of doing it =D.. and im not the kind who writes notes and highlight here and there..i just read the notes again and again..do at the moment still doing my chem..hmm dilution..yes quite easy..REMEMBER no. of mol remains the same as a solvent is added not the solute. ZZzzZ tomorrow must go school again to pass up this quiz im doing right now..but i guess its good i can clarify stuff before my upcoming exams for 1 whole week! bye~ v^^

Fight on 9:49 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

today i actually planned to do my chemistry work in the morning..but i ended up like putting it off till like later when i had 1 hour in school before the make up lesson..but in the end i didn't do it again..cause..yes i keep bluffing myself.=/ so yes i went to school to collect some answers for the chem practise paper..but i ended up having to go to school on friday again! because i didn't do the paper zZZzz. but it was okay..managed to clarify some questions with friends..physics -.- then after that the sky was WU YUN MI BU..but who cares! SP is like sheltered all the way! to a MRT just right next to us HAHA.. then went home and here i am now..OH MAN 7 o clock show!! ZZZZzZzZ i shall go now! Bye~

Fight on 7:08 PM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

lets see.. i haven't posted in like such a long time..reason being..there's nothing to post about! my blog post would probably be something like enxuan's, jere's (not like kennett's XD cause he writes funny stuff) but if anyone even reads this blog anymore..i may try starting again =)

hey we should stay close as a CG and have fun..don't go home like so fast after church..i mean what esle is there in life u can do to have fun besides hanging out with friends and stuff..school is just study study study..i honestly don't look forward to that. so what keeps me going as i was telling emelyne was looking forward to sundays =) because after the church camp..we've become closer again ^^ and thats the way i like it.. still can remember the time when we just go our separate ways after CG..some even to the extent of not going for CG =( so i feel that all of us should contribute and try to make the CG time better? don't like check your handphones so often..stare into the ground when someone's talking..at least try to show that u are listening. im pretty sure ryan is trying his best to make it better..well thats what reuel told me when we were on our way home. i was really shocked the time we had the CG retreat and most of u all were like unhappy with ryan and like attacking him..when he was really just trying to be a CGL..but whats over is over, at least now u all are beginning to appreciate what we have. ok upcoming stuff, ryan was suggesting going rockclimbing on 29th june on sunday during youth time, perhaps he's trying to make it more interesting, personally i don't really like rock climbing cause its tiring.. but if it means spending more time with my CG mates..i wouldn't mind =) so please think about it and sometimes we just have to take a step back and compromise.

hope i can remember to blog >.< oh wait maybe no one's even reading anymore.. sigh =/

Fight on 3:47 PM


About yourself.
Name: Koay Zhuming James
Age: 17
Birthday: 19/7/1991
Gender: male

l Likes l

l Dislike l
People with stupid attitudes






February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008


Skin by: yoka
Brushes: X X X X X
Images: Final fantasy XIII